Baidyanath Kutjavleha Helps in treatment of Blood Dysentry, musus and bleeding piles 60 grams. Baidyanath Kutjawleha is an excellent medicine with strong herbal properties which helps in treating all kinds of digestive ailments in adults. It is effective in treating...
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Baidyanath Kutjavleha Helps in treatment of Blood Dysentry, musus and bleeding piles 60 grams. Baidyanath Kutjawleha is an excellent medicine with strong herbal properties which helps in treating all kinds of digestive ailments in adults. It is effective in treating several diseases such as dysentery, piles & IBS. This medicine is highly recommended for regulating blood flow, treating chronic indigestion, jaundice, etc Baidyanath Kutjawleha helps in reducing intestinal amoebic infections & increasing appetite.
Ingredients: Kutaja, Berberis Aristata, Long Pepper, Triphala, Bilva, Purified Bhallataka, Vidanga, Ghee, etc
Purpose: Used in the treatment of piles, ulcerative colitis, bleeding disorders, diarrhea, IBS & other intestinal ailments. Recommended in treatment of liver complaints.
Benefits: People with IBS & ulcerative colitis tend to lose weight quickly. This medicine is especially suited for them. It is an excellent remedy for their intestinal complaints & also helps them to put on weight. This is a famous Ayurvedic medicine in the treatment of piles & gut-related problems.
Dosage: 5-10g once or twice a day as advised by an Ayurvedic doctor. It should be taken along with buttermilk or curd.