This is an oil meant for external application. This herbal product is useful to reduce muscular pain. It is helpful in various inflammatory infections. It also treats hemicranias, sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, gout, and rheumatism. This oil has no side...
This is an oil meant for external application. This herbal product is useful to reduce muscular pain. It is helpful in various inflammatory infections. It also treats hemicranias, sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, gout, and rheumatism. This oil has no side effects when used externally.
- Ingredients: Tiltel, ShringikVish, AsudhKuchla, ArkmoolChal, Erandmool, etc.
Purpose: The main use of MahaVishgarbhoil is to give strength to muscles and reduce muscular pain. It can treat tightness and stiffness in the back. Also treats limb pain. Diseases like gout and sciatica are also treated with this oil.
Benefits: Reduces muscle pain. Treats gout. Good for back pain. Helpful in inflammatory infections.
Dosage: To be rubbed on the affected part. Use only externally.